Carbon emissions: history and responsibility by country

change in global CO₂ emissions

CarbonBrief and OurWorldInData have produced some excellent articles showing how countries contribute to global warming over time.

However, when I looked at the data – thanks to OWID for sharing it – I realized that they accumulate, year after year, the CO2 emitted by each country. However, as the IPCC points out in its report, a significant proportion of the carbon emitted (44%) has been absorbed and no longer contributes in the strict sense to global warming. Read more

The manufacturer’s warranty, a weapon of mass destruction

On our difficult road to marketing the nitiFilter®, we have come up against a serious obstacle – the famous manufacturer’s warranty. We obviously knew when we embarked on such a project that this would be one of the difficulties we’d have to overcome, but what’s truly fascinating is that this obstacle arises even when it’s not there, so primitive is this reflex on the part of most players. Like Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, not even there, the pretext is still used…

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Oil analysis or fixed oil change, 2 ways to use the nitiFilter

Always savings

Like any good product, the nitiFilter® adapts to your internal processes to save you time and money

Drain only when necessary

Since the beginning of the project, we have been recommending to our clients to carry out oil analysis at oil change intervals :

  1. to carry out drain only when it is really necessary
  2. to have an idea about the health of their engine and to proceed to preventive maintenance before suffering a serious breakdown – for example, coolant leaks, abnormal wear, fuel dilution, etc. can be detected very well.

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Fuel prices still higher ? Save money with the nitiFilter®.

Save 1% to 2% on fuel

In the same way that you can save 1% to 2% of fuel depending on the oil used (e.g. 5W30 vs 10W40 – [ TotalEnergies ] [conseil économie carburant] ), Did you know that you can save 1% to 2% of fuel by using the nitiFilter®on your vehicle fleets?

Indeed, the nitiFilter® being self-cleaning, it remains clean at all times so using a nitiFilter® on your engine is like having a new filter at all times on your car.
We know that the difference in fuel consumption between a used filter (close to the oil change interval) and a new filter is about 1.5% (confirmed by our own results of a test carried out at the UTAC – CERAM group: “The replacement of the used oil filter by a new one resulted in a fuel consumption gain of 1.6%”). Our own statistical analysis of these tests indicates that the use of the nitiFilter® will bring an identical gain of 1.6% compared to a used filter. Read more

I’ve been hacked

This week-end, our server ( VPS @OVH ) has been hacked ( brute force root login ).
I noticed that I was unable to log in through ssh as usual ( using RSA or ED25519 keys ) but need a password.

After successfully logging in, I found out that my authorized_keys file has been change with only one RSA key ( all others have been overwritten ) having the comment mdrfckr.

After a little Googling, I find the following article : Outlaw is Back, a New Crypto-Botnet…

Even if my version was not exactly identical, I did get me on the right path to clean it :

  1. Erased the authorized_keys file
  2. Killed the rsync process
  3. Looked at the crontab for user root ( crontab -l ) – get a bunch of stuff :
    1. 1 1 */2 * * /root/.configrc/a/upd>/dev/null 2>&1
      @reboot /root/.configrc/a/upd>/dev/null 2>&1
      5 8 * * 0 /root/.configrc/b/sync>/dev/null 2>&1
      @reboot /root/.configrc/b/sync>/dev/null 2>&1
      0 0 */3 * * /tmp/.X25-unix/.rsync/c/aptitude>/dev/null 2>&1
  4. Deleted the crontab for user root ( crontab -d ). (As you can see, on reboot it will reinstall itself otherwise )
  5. Deleted the directory : rm -fR /root/.configrc and anything in /tmp that seems suspicious.
  6. Find out through top that a process was grabbing 99% of the CPU ( mine was named kswapd0 )
  7. killed this process
  8. did a find / -name kswapd0 to find where this code was : it was not in /.rsync as in the article but in /root/.configrc so  already cleaned ( step 5 )
  9. reboot the server.
  10. Everything seems OK == according to the link above, this hack is just a crypto bot so I didn’t bother to re install the whole server even it is a best practices

Hopes it will help somebody somewhere 😉

Engine Oil, what a pollution !


A sea of soil – “Une mer d’huile”

Even without being a sailor, everyone knows the expression “a sea of oil”: One thus characterizes the surface of the water of a sea, a lake or a pond which is perfectly flat, smooth as a mirror, because nothing disturbs its surface. This pictorial expression comes in fact from a very concrete observation known since the dawn of time by all the sailors of the world: The oil calms the sea.

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8374921 - flying dandelion's seed in form of a car pattern on green grass background
8374921 - flying dandelion's seed in form of a car pattern on green grass background

An efficient solution

We are extremely proud to have been awarded the #efficientSolution label from the Solar Impulse foundation. This is a welcome acknowledgment of our vision and pragmatic approach, demonstrating that it is possible to provide an economically interesting response to an urgent environmental challenge .

nitiFilter®, un filtre qui a reçu le label Efficient Solution de la fondation Solar Impulse

nitiFilter®, the future of filtration

the nitiFilter® is the present and the future of engine oil filtration : offering a permanent and maintenance-free oil filter that allows drain intervals to be spaced out is unrelenting – we simply can no longer afford to waste our resources and pollute without an afterthought.

There is a need : lubricate the hundreds of millions engines around the world

And three evidences that impose themselves on society:

  • Earth resources are limited.
  • The environment is in danger.
  • Service outweighs possession.

The staggering cost of a drain

Lubricating means using oil in astronomical quantities (almost 300 000 000L per year in France alone) AND using mountains of oil filters (probably more than 30 000 000 per year) to maintain oil as clean as possible in the engines.

Bad luck, these worn filters are contaminated in depth so are not recyclable: in the best case they are burnt, especially in cement plants. Sold as low cost fuel, they supersede clean energy.

As to the oil, it is not better: even clean it is dirty! The ancestral expression “a sea of oil” comes directly from its frightening capacity to cover huge surfaces – 1L of oil spreads over 1km2 of water!

a big challenge

Our challenge is therefore to provide a solution that avoids generating mountains of non-recyclable waste, ie replace the disposable filters by our permanent filter , and drastically limit oil consumption , ie to space drains intervals (*)

And for a challenge, it’s a hell of a it: Solar Impulse evaluation indicates a relatively modest economic impact. We totally agree with this assessment – given our marketing difficulties, it would be very pretentious and naive to say the opposite. We are clearly facing a closed market where the various actors (car and engine makers, repairers) are hiding behind various tricks, which range from delirious piece diversity (and without any technical justification ..) to the sacrosanct guarantee even when it does not apply.

However, we continue to argue that disposable and non-recyclable solutions are an aberration and that basically nothing limits the use of nitiFilter® to intensive conditions : our product simply is a smarter and more efficient answer to the requirement of oil filtration function to maintain optimum engine lubrication. It is therefore inexorable that permanent sustainable filtration will prevail on the market … this solution will happen anyway.

In addition, we are confident that the automotive industry will break out of its current schizophrenia , which is to cling to its old model of selling parts and services , while systematizing flat-rate offer . They will therefore necessarily switch to sustainable solutions to avoid having to do so unnecessary work. On the other hand, current and future (r) evolutions of mobility tend to focus on the availability (mobility as a service) for which it is interesting to improve the usage times by limiting outages and maintenance . This last point is obviously critical for all professionals who have a sustained use of their equipment (tractors, construction equipment, trucks, buses, dumpsters, sweepers, generator)

In our current market conditions (modest volume), and without even accounting for all direct and indirect costs of an oil change , the nitiFilter® has a payback of around three oil changes. So it’s a cost effective solution for anyone who moves from a short-term mindset to a long-term management (TCO management for example). Here too we are at a tipping point and are therefore convinced that the future for systems such as ours will be fruitful.

Press release

logo nitifilter®


Paris, 11 December 2015




XFP is making its COP21 commitment through its revolutionary oil filter: the nitiFilter®

filtre nitifilter®

Worldwide oil consumption stands today at almost 20 billion liters. Even in the best-case scenario, 20% of used oil is released into nature, polluting the equivalent of 8 times the surface of the earth. The time has come to raise awareness of this problem, which has been ignored for to long, and to stop such useless waste.

As part of the COP21 conference, XFP is proud to present a concrete solution that can be rolled out immediately: the nitiFilter®. This revolutionary product allows the driver to consume 10 times less motor oil, and to thereby reduce CO2 emissions by a factor of 10, i.e. by 90%. Read more