11 April 2022 nicolas

Let’s be goddamn pragmatic!

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Even if we do not live in the hardest times that humanity has gone through, the premium certainly goes to year 536 , it is difficult not to feel a certain sense of vertigo when faced with the accumulation of financial, health and humanitarian crises – not forgetting, of course, the upcoming climate crisis

Now for the latter, unlike war, whose cataclysm leaves no other choice, either to face it valiantly as the Ukrainians currently or the Finns during the second world war, or to collapse as…, the climate crisis is advancing in a more subtle way, which leaves us more difficult to apprehend it. Thus we find ourselves a bit like the frog in hot water or the rabbit in the headlights, apathetic.

However, as the IPCC insists and as recently as in its last rapport on April 3, 2022, we must act NOW. The effort to be made is very important but, good news, there is still time. Nevertheless, as shown by the decisions taken in Europe regarding the impacts of the war in Ukraine, between the end of the month and the end of the world, the choice is often made quickly and the greatest ambitions are put away far too quickly. So while waiting to be fully rational, let’s be pragmatic and apply the maximum of immediately available solutions, especially those that allow us to reduce our consumption: sobriety is one of the main keys to our future.

Also on our small scale, I admit to being a bit desperate to see that our excellent engine oil filtration system, the nitiFilter®, does not find its market even though it allows reduce consumption byengine oil by 3 minimum and the consumption of fuel by 1% to 2% . We can obviously think that motor oil is a thing of the past and that we should get rid of it for good: obviously we should do without carbon in general and oil in particular is dirty and polluting. However, this would be to completely ignore the reality of today and for a long time to come: there are almost 2 billion engines that consume several billion liters of oil per year. Rather than projecting ourselves unrealistically into an idealized future, it would be better to find solutions for today’s problems, knowing that the savings generated by the use of today’s solutions can accelerate the energy transition desired by all.

Finally, two points that give optimism. First, this IPCC report contains another piece of good news: the decoupling of growth and carbon intensity is confirmed for a large number of countries: we are not definitely doomed. Secondly, predicting the future is an uncertain exercise: in 1894In 1974, the Meadows report (The Limits to Growth) rightly warned us about the limits of growth, but was essentially off the mark in the details (e.g. no more copper in 2010 because of the number of telephone lines) – in both cases, technical advances (cars, wireless telephony and fibre optics) have totally cancelled out the problem! the worst is definitely not certain!

But for that we must remain pragmatic and act with determination to limit our waste – So if you manage fleets of vehicles, machines, trucks with a life span exceeding 3 oil change intervals, switch to nitiFilter® and save money that will allow you to accelerate your ecological transition while reducing your impact in the meantime – every action counts.


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